Welcome to this eLearning course designed for Primary Care practices and focussed on NAFLD (non alcoholic fatty liver disease). Please ensure you take the pre course questionnaire HERE, then read the instructions and start the course by clicking the 1st module at the end of this page. Remember you need to enrol first.

The course is designed to give primary healthcare professionals the knowledge and information they need to support many of the questions posed by NAFLD in a primary care setting. These include:
• Who should I screen for NAFLD?
• What to test and how often to repeat?
•. How do I assess NAFLD risk and in which patients?
• When should I refer?
• How do I support lifestyle changes?
Please ensure you are enrolled for the course by following the simple registration process. Once registered you will need to fill in the pre course questionnaire which can be found HERE
Course Navigation
To navigate the course you will need to access the course content below.
The course is divided into lessons and topics.
For each topic there is a video slide presentation which you can play by pressing the play button you will find in the bottom left of the video screen. | ![]() |
You can enlarge the video to to full screen using the enlarge button in the player at the bottom right of your screen. | ![]() |
Once you have completed a topic click on the mark complete button. | ![]() |
Then move onto the next topic by clicking on the next topic button. | ![]() |
You can move between lessons and topics by using the previous and next buttons either at the top or bottom of your screen. You can also view your progress throughout the course.