Work With US


I’m Juan Mendive, a trainer in family medicine, a member of the Spanish Primary Care Research Network (RedIAAP) and an active family physician here in Barcelona. I am also Chair of the European Society for Primary Care Gastroenterology (ESPCG).

Health care systems throughout Europe are struggling to provide adequate services because of the challenges created by an ageing population, increasing multi morbidity and constrained financial resources. This makes the role of primary care ever more important in the delivery of cost-effective national health systems, and further emphasises the important role that the ESPCG now has in providing a voice for general practice and in contributing to the evidence base for the central role of primary care clinicians in future health systems.

ESPCG is an active member of both UEG and WONCA Europe and has a strong track record of providing expert advice to the pharmaceutical industry on a range of gastrointestinal issues and disorders.

We need your support to continue our work as both an educator and a voice for primary care gastroenterology. Opportunities exist across a range of initiatives to help fund the ESPCG in the work we do:

Expert Panels – providing insight and expertise across all aspects of European gastroenterology.
Euro Talks – bringing new research, ideas, opinions and insight to our growing primary care membership.

Guidelines – by primary care, for primary care. Help fund guidelines specifically aimed at primary care supporting accurate diagnosis, better

referrals and ultimately better outcomes for patients.

Industry sponsored Symposia – from WONCA 2018 in Krakow to UEG in Vienna we welcome funding across a range of topics and gastrointestinal diseases.

Educational Meetings and Events – partner with us to bring the best in gastroenterological education either on a regional basis or at our Annual Scientific Meeting every November.

The EuroDigest – is the journal of the ESPCG. Widely read and widely regarded the publication brings the latest news, research and opinions from the world of gastroenterology.

Research – Our access to research facilities and researchers across Europe make the ESPCG an ideal partner across topics as diverse as cancer diagnosis to probiotics.

If you are interested in working with us to fund and develop our initiatives please contact me: